Monday 7 January 2013

Landscape 3 (Perspective)

This picture shows an urban landscape drawing which was done using soft pencils and was completed in around 40 minutes. The scene was another perspective study.

This drawing can be considered a single point perspective scene (if the side of the building on the left isn't taken into account), in which the horizon line is located on the upper half of the page, and the vanishing point is found where the dark building stands in the distance. The image has an asymmetrical and expressive composition with many points of interest. The focal point seems to be located somewhere on the upper right side of the drawing. Windows and doors, construction materials  or plants weren't detailed as it is a complex scene. Instead only some were hinted in order to create the impression of detail in the drawing.

Life Drawing 4 (Proportion)

This soft pencil life drawing was completed in 30 minutes, and the main focus was to study and understand basic anatomy and proportion.

The construction lines are visible on the paper and were used along with measuring to give a more accurate representation of the human body. The proportions were kept right and the drawing gives a good sense of balance and weight of the model. The musculature is also represented well and the slight shading completes the image.

Sunday 6 January 2013

Life Drawing 3 (Anatomy Musculature)

These drawings were done using soft pencils in around 5 to 15 minutes each. They show details of the human body in which the main focus was to study human musculature, and the shape muscles have when the model is posing in a certain way.

The first drawing is a bit more detailed than the rest and has a bit of shading as well. The proportions were kept fairly right with the help of measuring, but there are a few visible mistakes such as the left arm being slightly longer than normal, and the hands of the model being drawn too small. The drawing does give a good sense of anatomy. The second picture shows a series of fast sketches which focus on different parts of the human body. The proportions seem right and the shapes of the muscles are portrayed well.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Still Life 3

This still life drawing was made on A3 paper using a soft pencil and took around 40 minutes - 1 hour to complete. It shows a scene containing 4 objects in which the light source is located at the left side.

Composition wise the image is balanced, having dark objects placed on the sides. There are several points of interest in the drawing and the focal point seems to be the most detailed object, in this case the left shoe. The shading is done well and manages to hint the textures (the wine glass and the leather shoes). Cast shadows are also visible in the picture. The cloth however needs more detail, even if it has a complex and hard to draw shape.

Friday 4 January 2013

Life Drawing Sketches 2 (Posture)

These sketches were done in around 5 minutes each and they focus on studying balance and weight while the model is seated.

The drawing on the left shows good proportions and creates depth (foreshortening of the limbs), though the weight of the arms doesn't seem realistic. In the second fast sketch, the balance of the model is portrayed better and there is a stronger sense of weight.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Still Life 2

This charcoal still life drawing on A3 paper took around 2 hours to complete. The image has a nice composition and gives a sense of depth.

There seems to be a good mix of values, and some of the objects have good shading such as the apple and the cloth. The shading on flat surfaces such as the background or the book seems patterned because of the technique used, and for this reason they don't blend nicely with the image.