Friday 23 November 2012

Landscape 1 (Perspective Study)

This is an urban landscape drawing in pencil on A3 paper which took 30 minutes to complete.

It shows a two-point perspective scene in which the horizon line is located on the lower half of the page, and the two vanishing points are at the left and right of the picture. The construction lines and measuring helped with positioning the building on the page and keeping the proportions right. Some of the orthogonal lines in this drawing aren’t well made, for example on the upper right corner of the picture where the edges at the top of the building aren’t pointing towards the left vanishing point. The image feels a bit unbalanced, because of the amount of detail on the right side of the page, and the lack of it on the left side. This composition creates points of interest on the left side of the paper. The main focus of this drawing was to study the principles of perspective, and therefore details such as windows or shadows were just lightly sketched.

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